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Previous Topic, In this tutorial we will learn How to select date from DatePicker calender, date from date picker calendar step by step.
How to select date from DatePicker calender using selenium?
Date Picker in just a selection of date from calendar by selecting a number.
On selecting the number (date), the date appears as text field in DD/MM/YYYY format or other format defined in code.
To understand date picker lets consider a scenario and code for date picker.
Complete Code for the above scenario:
To Call the method simply call datePicker(String date, driver); to any of the automation script, just simply pass date(in DD/MM/YYYY) format and driver instance as second parameter.
Explanation of above code line by line:
- Firstly create the object of date class and assign in to DD/MM/YYYY format as below in code
- Under try catch block parse the date extract or bifurcate the date, month and year in a String from .format method also take the month and year in a string as the per the calender header in web application
- Now click to the text field of calender
- how to select past date in selenium webdriver
- how to select date from calendar in selenium webdriver using c